Personal Injury Specialists

Have you suffered an injury as a result of an accident?

Have you been in an accident that wasn’t your fault?

There are many different types of accidents where you may be able to claim compensation for injuries suffered as well as recovering financial losses such as loss of earnings and treatment costs. These can vary from an accident at work to treatment provided by your hairdresser. We can advise you if you have a claim and help you through the process.

We work on a "no win, no fee" basis.

There are no fees to pay upfront and during your claim and a fixed fee is only payable if your claim is won.

We can help you achieve the maximum support and financial compensation. You can claim for past and future losses to help support you and your family in coping with the long term effects of any medical negligence that has occurred.

Our Personal Injury Services

If your type of claim does not appear please contact us to discuss your claim further as the above list does not include every type of case.

Road Accidents

Have you been injured in a road traffic accident in the last three years which was not your fault?

Then contact one of our specialist Solicitors to see if you can claim compensation.

Who can claim?

  • Drivers
  • Drivers who may be partially at fault
  • Passengers
  • Cyclists
  • Motorcyclists
  • Bus/Train/Tram
  • Pedestrians
  • Family / Dependants of a person involved in a fatal accident

What if the driver at fault does not have any insurance?

This does not matter. If the other driver does not have any valid motor insurance then a claim can be made against The Motor Insurers Bureau. (The MIB)

What if my own insurance company have already referred my claim to their preferred Solicitors?

You have a right to choose your OWN Solicitor. You can change to your preferred Solicitor who may be local or who has been recommended to you. Call us for FREE FRIENDLY advice to transfer your claim.

How can we help?

Only qualified and very experienced Solicitors will handle your claim. We are dedicated to fighting for victims of accidents. We guarantee to recover maximum compensation in the shortest possible time. We offer home visits and out of hours service.

What can I claim for?

You are entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries and the effect of your injuries on your lifestyle and day to day living.

You can also claim for any financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical and travelling expenses. You can claim for the cost of family members and friends to look after you.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE.

You have THREE years in which to claim from the day your accident happened.

We promise to return your call within ONE HOUR. We can call you at any time to suit and can visit you at home or your work place and out of hours.

Industrial Diseases

Have you suffered from an illness, an injury as a result of your working environment? Then you may be able to claim compensation for a type of injury known as “Occupational Disease”.

Examples of well known diseases include:

  • Asbestosis
  • Mesothelioma
  • Lung cancer
  • Noise inducing hearing loss
  • HAVS
  • Skin diseases
  • Resipiratory diseases

How we can help?

This area of law is very specialised and complicated. Our qualified and very experienced Solicitors will handle your claim. We are dedicated to fighting for victims of accidents. We guarantee to recover maximum compensation in the shortest possible time. We offer home visits and out of hours service.

What can I claim for?

You are entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries and the effect of your injuries on your lifestyle and day to day living.

You can also claim for any financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical and travelling expenses. You can claim for the cost of family members and friends to look after you.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE.
You have THREE years in which to claim from the date that you became aware your work related disease was caused by your employment.

We promise to return your call within ONE HOUR. We can call you at any time to suit and can visit you at home or your work place and out of hours.

Slips, Trips & Falls

Have you fell over in a public place and injured yourself?

Examples of places where you may have a claim:

  • Supermarket
  • Shops
  • Sports centres
  • Car parks
  • Schools
  • Pubs & nightclubs
  • Crossing the road
  • Pavements
  • Community centres
  • Party venues
  • Workplace

Even if you do not have permission to be in a public place you may still have a claim.

The law provides protection not only for persons who have permission to be in a public place but also for trespassers.

If you have fell over in a public place then if at all possible please take photographs of what caused you to slip, trip or fall. Try and measure the size of the defect.

If there were witnesses to the accident try and obtain their name, address and telephone number.

How we can help?

Our qualified and very experienced Solicitors will handle your claim. We are dedicated to fighting for victims of accidents. We guarantee to recover maximum compensation in the shortest possible time. We offer home visits and out of hours service.

What can I claim for?

You are entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries and the effect of your injuries on your lifestyle and day to day living.

You can also claim for any financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical and travelling expenses. You can claim for the cost of family members and friends to look after you.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE. You have THREE years in which to claim from the day your accident happened.

We promise to return your call within ONE HOUR. We can call you at any time to suit and can visit you at home or your work place and out of hours.

Hair Damage

Have you suffered damage to your hair by a hairdresser?

How we can help?

Only qualified and very experienced Solicitors will handle your claim. We are dedicated to fighting for victims of accidents. We guarantee to recover maximum compensation in the shortest possible time. We offer home visits and out of hours service.

What can I claim for?

You are entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries and the effect of your injuries on your lifestyle and day to day living.

You can also claim for any financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical and travelling expenses. You can claim for the cost of family members and friends to look after you.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE.

You have THREE years in which to claim from the day your accident happened.

We promise to return your call within ONE HOUR. We can call you at any time to suit and can visit you at home or your work place and out of hours.

Head and Brain Injuries

Head injuries are very common but many people involved in accidents do not even realise they have suffered this type of injury.

When do these happen?

  • Car/Motorbike accidents.
  • Cycling accidents.
  • Pedestrian accidents.
  • Sporting and recreation activities.
  • Accidents at work.
  • Falls from height.
  • Being hit by falling objects.

Why is it hard to diagnose a head injury?

It does not have to involve an impact to your skull but can occur when you head is shaken. You may only start to suffer from headaches, dizziness and tiredness but not realise that you have a head injury. You can later develop memory problems, a change in personality and behaviour leading to anxiety and depression. These are all symptoms of a head injury and you should seek specialist care and advice from medical experts and a Solicitor.

How we can help?

Only qualified and very experienced Solicitors will handle your claim. We are dedicated to fighting for victims of accidents. If you do not have a Specialist Solicitor working for you may find you receive a lower award of compensation. We have access to the very best treatment and medical experts who specialise in helping and treating head injuries. We have recovered millions of pounds for clients who have suffered significant brain injuries securing stability for their future.

We guarantee to recover maximum compensation in the shortest possible time. We offer home visits and out of hours service.

What can I claim for?

You are entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries and the effect of your injuries on your lifestyle and day to day living.

You can also claim for any financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical and travelling expenses. You can claim for the cost of family members and friends to look after you.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE.
You have THREE years in which to claim from the day your accident happened.

We promise to return your call within ONE HOUR. We can call you at any time to suit and can visit you at home or your work place and out of hours.

Harrassment and Stress

Stress, bullying and harassment at work are on the increase due to the downturn in the economic climate and the need for employers to reduce staff which in turn puts more pressure on the remaining employees.

Stress in the workplace:

To be able to pursue a claim for compensation it is necessary to prove the following:

  • your employers knew that you were having problems coping with your job and they did not take any action to help you or what they did was insufficient
  • the stress must have been ongoing for a period of time and not just one episode of stress or difficulty at work
  • you have suffered a personal injury. It does not have to be a physical injury like whiplash but rather a psychological reaction to the stress you have suffered or are still suffering from.

Harassment and bullying at work

Whilst at work you are entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. Any action which is offensive, intimidating or hostile may amount to harassment or bullying.

This can includes things like:

  • spreading malicious rumours
  • making insulting remarks
  • being picked on or being made to fail
  • unfair treatment
  • misusing power or supervision
  • unwanted sexual advances
  • making threats

There are many other actions that can amount to bullying and harassment and it does not necessarily have to done face to face. It can be written or by phone.

How can we help?

Our experienced and friendly Solicitors will discuss your claim with you and advise you if you have a claim. We are very experienced in dealing with these types of claims and are dedicated to fighting for the best result for you.

What can I claim for?

You are entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering caused by any injuries or other losses suffered by you.

If we are of the opinion that the claim will be successful we can arrange for any treatment required to help with recovery on a private basis at no cost to you.

You can also claim for any financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical and travelling expenses.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our Specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE.

We promise to return your call WITHIN ONE HOUR. We can call you at any time to suit and can visit you at home or your work place and out of hours.

Defective Premises

Do you rent a property from a Landlord?

Did you know you have rights in accordance with the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985?

  • These include:
  • The exterior of the property including the gutters, drains and external pipes should be kept in repair
  • Installations for water, gas, electricity and sanitation should be kept in repair and in working order
  • The property itself should be kept in repair
  • The Landlord should carry out all necessary repairs (once told of them)

In addition you and your visitors have further rights in accordance with the Defective Premises Act 1972

The rights under the above Act cover not only the persons who are tenants but also any other person who might be affected by any defects at or in the property including visitors.

Examples of cases

  • Damp and mould which may cause an injury such as chest infection
  • Tripping hazards such as broken paving, fencing, walls
  • Internal hazards such as damaged or broken floor boards, windows, electrical installations, woodwork
  • Broken gutters, drains and pipes
  • Broken or defective sinks, baths and toilets
  • Lack of upkeep of exterior and structure of the property
  • Failing to carry out repairs properly or at all

If you have suffered ongoing lack of repairs and defects that have not been remedied or you may even have suffered personal injuries then you may have a claim for compensation.

Environment Protection Act 1990

If your property is subject to mould growth or dampness then you be able to issue a complaint against your Landlord in the Magistrates Court

First a letter before action will need to be sent requiring the Landlord to undertake the works within 21 days

If the Landlord does not carry out the works then you can issue the complaint at the Magistrates Court.

You may also be entitled to compensation against the Landlord if he does not carry out the works.

How can we help?

Our experienced and friendly Solicitors will discuss your claim with you and advise you if you have a claim. We are very experienced in dealing with these types of claims and are dedicated to fighting for the best result for you.

What can I claim for?

You can make the Landlord put your property in a fit and habitable condition and carry out any necessary repairs. You may be to compensation for the loss of enjoyment of your property if the repairs are substantial. You may also be entitled to compensation if you have suffered an injury or illness due to living at the property.

You can also claim for any financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical and travelling expenses and in some cases the cost of alternative accommodation if you have to move out of the property due to its condition or whilst it is being repaired.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our Specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE.

We promise to return your call WITHIN ONE HOUR. We can call you at any time to suit and can visit you at home or your work place and out of hours.

Work Accidents

Have you been injured in an accident at work in the last three years which was not your fault? Even if you are self-employed but contracted to work for another Company you still may be able to claim.

Types of workplace accidents:

  • Lifting/manual handling
  • Construction / building sites
  • Slipping/tripping
  • Burns
  • Crushing injuries
  • Falls from a height
  • Objects falling
  • Collisions with vehicles or objects
  • Faulty equipment
  • Unguarded machinery
  • Exposure to dangerous chemicals or liquids
  • Work related upper limb disorders
  • Electrocution

There are thousands of different types of accidents that can occur whilst you are at work. Accidents can occur during your job even if you are not at your employers workplace. If your type of accident is not covered above it does not mean you will not be able to pursue a claim against your employers.

Can my employer sack me if I make a claim?

People are often very reluctant to make a claim against their employers particularly if they are still employed by them. Employers cannot sack an employee simply because they make a claim for compensation against them because they had suffered an accident and been injured. If an employee suffers discrimination because a claim has been made against his employers for compensation then he can take action against his employers.

This is usually an unnecessary worry as all employers are required by law to have Employers Liability Insurance. This insurance covers the employer in the event of an accident at work.

How we can help?

Only qualified and very experienced Solicitors will handle your claim. We are dedicated to fighting for victims of accidents. We guarantee to recover maximum compensation in the shortest possible time. We offer home visits and out of hours service.

What can I claim for?

You are entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries and the effect of your injuries on your lifestyle and day to day living.

You can also claim for any financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical and travelling expenses. You can claim for the cost of family members and friends to look after you.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE. You have THREE years in which to claim from the day your accident happened.

Fatal Accidents / Inquests

Regretably, sometimes accidents result in the unexpected death of one or more of the parties involved.

Our sympathetic and caring Solicitors are able to represent and advise relatives through the process from the time of the accident, attendance at the Inquest and further action against the party at fault.

We are able to help and support relatives at this very difficult and devastating time. We will ensure that you receive compassionate advice with the least amount of stress to all.

Do I need a Solicitor at an Inquest?

Our Solicitors regularly attend at Inquests with families where a loved one has died either as a result of a road traffic accident, accident at work, industrial related disease or medical treatment.

Many families find attending an Inquest a very daunting and emotional time. There may be other parties present at the Inquest with their legal representatives. Our Solicitors can attend to support family members both emotionally and legally and can ask relevant questions of witnesses and doctors and police officers to ensure that the families questions are answered.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE.

We promise to return your call within ONE HOUR. We can call you at any time to suit and can visit you at home or your work place and out of hours.

Holidays Accidents & Injury Claims

The law can vary considerably and it is often necessary to issue Court proceedings in the Country where the accident or illness happened.

HOWEVER, there are a number of English statutory provisions which assist in enabling cases to be brought in this Country.

There are the The Package Travel, Package Holiday and Package Tour Regulations 1992. These impose strict liability on the Tour Operator in relation to any act or omission of their agents who are providing part of the package, i.e. the hotel. This enables holidaymakers to sue the Tour Operator directly in the English Courts for negligence, breach of contract and misrepresentation.

Examples of claims:

  • Accommodation and facilities not matching their description.
  • Defects with your accommodation.
  • Road traffic accidents.
  • Food poisoning, i.e. Salmonella.
  • Crypotosporidium, i.e. water born bacteria often found in swimming pools.
  • Watersport accidents.
  • Misleading information about your holiday.

In addition to claiming compensation for the particular injuries and illness you suffer you can also claim compensation due to the fact that your holiday has been ruined. This is called “LOSS OF ENJOYMENT”

Have you been injured or fallen ill whilst on holiday?

Then contact one of our specialist Solicitors to see if you can claim compensation.

How we can help?

Our qualified and very experienced Solicitors will handle your claim. We are dedicated to fighting for victims of accidents. We guarantee to recover maximum compensation in the shortest possible time. We offer home visits and out of hours service.

What can I claim for?

You are entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries and the effect of your injuries on your lifestyle and day to day living.

You can also claim for any financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical and travelling expenses. You can claim for the cost of family members and friends to look after you.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE.

We promise to return your call within ONE HOUR. We can call you at any time to suit and can visit you at home or your work place and out of hours.

Sporting Accidents

The law concerning sporting accidents is exactly the same as the law for all other accident claims which is negligence. A person has a duty to take reasonable care.

Examples of types of accidents:-

  • Football
  • Rugby
  • Hockey
  • Horse riding
  • Gymnastics
  • Rally driving
  • Basketball
  • Swimming & diving
  • Motorcycling
  • Quad biking
  • Cycling
  • Running
  • Skiing
  • School playgrounds
  • Events at organised clubs
  • Competitions

Examples of cases where we have recovered compensation

  • Injury to footballer during match as a result of a bad tackle
  • Injury to rider thrown from a horse whilst working at a riding school
  • Injury to footballer during a match due to poor condition of the pitch

There are many types of accidents that come within Sporting accidents and if you are not sure whether you have a claim then please contact one of our specialist Solicitors.

How we can help?

Only qualified and very experienced Solicitors will handle your claim. We are dedicated to fighting for victims of accidents. We guarantee to recover maximum compensation in the shortest possible time. We offer home visits and out of hours service.

What can I claim for?

You are entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries and the effect of your injuries on your lifestyle and day to day living.

You can also claim for any financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical and travelling expenses. You can claim for the cost of family members and friends to look after you.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE.
You have THREE years in which to claim from the day your accident happened.

We promise to return your call within ONE HOUR. We can call you at any time to suit and can visit you at home or your work place and out of hours.

Catastrophic Injuries

Every day someone in the UK is permanently paralysed from an accident as a result of an injury to their spinal cord.

Someone who has damaged their cervical spine and has some loss to all four limbs of the body is described as tetraplegic or quadriplegic. If they have no movement or sensation below the neck then this is described as complete quadriplegia/tetraplegia.

If the injury is below the first thoracic vertebrae so that the arms, hands and fingers are unaffected then this is known as paraplegia which is the paralysis of the lower part of the body.

The most common causes of spinal injuries are road traffic accidents, accidents at work and medical negligence.

You may have suffered such a severe injury that amputation of a limb or limbs is required. We can help assess your care needs including find the right prosthesis and ongoing care.

How we can help?

Only qualified and very experienced Solicitors will handle your claim. We are dedicated to fighting for victims of accidents. It is vital that with injuries of this nature that you are represented by a Specialist Solicitor who can ensure that you receive the maximum compensation to which you are entitled.

We have access to the very best treatment and medical experts who specialise in helping and treating catastrophic injuries. We have recovered millions of pounds for clients who have suffered these types of injuries securing stability for their future. These types of injuries can have a significant impact on your life and future wellbeing.

We offer home visits and out of hours service.

What can I claim for?

You are entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries and the effect of your injuries on your lifestyle and day to day living.

You can also claim for any financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical, travelling expenses, the cost of adaptations to your home, the cost of prosthetic limbs and ongoing treatment. You can claim for the cost of care be it from a professional person or family members and friends to look after you.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE.

You have THREE years in which to claim from the day your accident happened.

Injuries from Animals

Dog attacks are on the increase. NHS figures confirm that on average every day a person is sent to hospital due to a dog attack.

If you have been bitten or attacked by a dog you may be able to claim compensation for the physical and psychological injuries suffered.

If your own dog has been attacked and injured you can also claim for the cost of any veterinary treatment and other financial losses.

Examples of incidents where you can claim if you have been bitten or your own dog attacked and injured:

  • in playgrounds and parks
  • in the street
  • in your own home or someone else’s home
  • when delivering mail and items to a property

How can we help?

Our qualified and experienced Solicitors will discuss your claim with you from the smallest of dog bites to more serious injuries. We are very experienced in dealing with these types claims. We are dedicated to fighting for the maximum compensation for you.

What can I claim for?

You are entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries and the effect of your injuries on your lifestyle and day to day living.

If we are of the opinion that your claim will be successful we can arrange for any treatment you require to help with your recovery on a private basis at no cost to you.

You can also claim for any financial losses such as loss of earnings, medical and travelling expenses. You can claim for the cost or family members and friends who have to look after you because of your injuries.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our Specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE. You have THREE years in which to claim from the date of the accident (UNLESS THE INJURIES WERE CAUSED TO A CHILD WHEN THE TIME PERIOD IS MUCH LONGER)

We promise to return your call WITHIN ONE HOUR. We can call you at any time to suit and can visit you at home or your work place and out of hours.

Product Liability

Every day we buy products and goods and we expect them to be safe to use. Unfortunately this is not always the case and you may find yourself suffering an injury or illness or other damage as a result of using a product which is faulty.

It does not matter that you have not purchased the product or goods yourself as it may have been a present or gift from a member of your family or a friend.

Consumers are protected by law and suppliers of products have a duty to take reasonable care and to provide products and goods which are fit for their purpose and are of merchantable quality.

How we can help?

Only qualified and very experienced Solicitors will handle your claim.

What can I claim for?

You may be entitled to a refund or for any faulty goods to be repaired. If you have been injured as a result of using the faulty goods you may also be entitled to compensation for the pain and suffering caused by your injuries and the effect of your injuries on your lifestyle and day to day living.

What should I do now?

Contact one of our specialist Solicitors for FAST FRIENDLY AND FREE ADVICE.

We promise to return your call within ONE HOUR. We can call you at any time to suit and can visit you at home or your work place and out of hours.

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We also cover other areas of Law which may be of interest to you.

personal injury

medical negligence

industrial disease

Free Legal Consultation

Contact us using the form below for any questions you may have or please call 0800 567 72 72.

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